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How to return sum of two highest value in List<int> in most efficient way? C#

I'm trying to pass a pre-written test with focus on performance. What is the most efficient way to return the sum of the two highest numbers in a List of int? I have tried the following and according to the test it wasn't fast enough when it comes to larger lists:

1.  list.Sort();
    return list[0] + list[1];

2.  return list.OrderByDescending(num => num).FirstOrDefault() + list.OrderByDescending(num => num).Skip(1).FirstOrDefault();

3.  var secondHighest = list.Distinct()
                            .OrderByDescending(i => i)

    return list.Max() + secondHighest;

Any straightforward sorting operation would be O(n*log(n)) ( OrderBy(Descending) , Sort ) at best (on random data) though current task is achievable in O(n) with a simple loop (assuming there are at least 2 items in the list of course, for the case when there are 2 or less elements just return list.Sum() ):

var first = int.MinValue;
var second = int.MinValue;
foreach(var i in list)
    if(i > first)
        second = first;
        first = i;
    else if(i > second)
        second = i;

var result = first + second;

Also it worth noting that there can be implementation depended LINQ optimizations for some of cases like combination of OrderBy(Descending) with operators like First(OrDefault) or possibly Take (see one , two ).

Well, I'm proposing this algorithm:

highest = 0
highestSet = false
secondHighest = 0
secondHighestSet = false
foreach item in list
    if item >= highest or !highestSet
        if highestSet
          secondHighest = highest
        highestSet = true
        highest = item
    else if item >= secondHighest or !secondHighestSet
        secondHighestSet = true
        secondHighest = item

return highest + secondHighest

Input set of [3, 2, 3, 2], it will return 6. This is O(n) time complexity.

For a set of [3], it will return 3.

LINQ can be a very good solution for it.

long sum = 0;
if(list.Count > 1) 
  sum = list.OrderByDescending(z=>z).Take(2).Sum();
  sum = list.Sum();

You can try this simple way:

var secondHighest=list.Take(2).Sum();
return secondHighest;


 var secondHighest=list.Take(2).Sum();
return secondHighest;

At first, it sorts your list, then reverses it , now you have descending sorted list , than it will take 2 highest elements and aggregate them .

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