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Login error from kubernetes pod to SQL Server 2019 Linux

I've deployed a .NET app as a pod into a Kubernetes cluster but this error occurred when it tries to connect to a SQL Server 2019 :

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - No such file or directory)

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): No such file or directory

This error doesn't occur if I run the app locally or deploy it as a Linux service using the same connection string:

Data Source=<ip>;Initial Catalog=<DatabaseName>;User Id=<user>;Password=<pass>

Both Encrypt=False and TrustServerCertificate=True don't work.


I finally found the problem. The real error was actually a connection problem but I've deployed the pod with linked injected and the "No such file or directory" was returned by linkerd (I don't know how or why). Removing the injection, I got the real error. On the server firewall, I opened the 1443 port for the ingress IP which is different from the one presented by the pod to the server. So, I opened a bash inside the pod and with the command curl ipconfig.me/ip I got the real IP. After whitelisting the IP everything works fine even with linkerd.

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