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Find and replace complex term in a string using Regex

I Need to wrap any expression in a string (it can be multiline string with many expressions, mixed with regular words) that starts with abc.(efg|xyz).bar. with curly braces.

I'm using find and replace approach using the following Regex:

const MY_REGEX = /"?(?<![a-zA-Z0-9-_])((?:abc\.(efg|xyz\.bar))(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)+)"?/gm
someInput.replace(MY_REGEX, '{{$1}}')

My strategy works fine for simple cases like this:

const input = 'abc.efg.bar.name.first, abc.xyz.role, non.captured.term' 
// outputs: {{abc.efg.bar.name.first}}, {{abc.xyz.role}}, non.captured.term

But fails miserably for a complex inputs like this one:

const input = 'abc.xyz.bar.$func(foos[param[name="primary" and bool=true]].param[name="new"].multiValue)' 
// outputs: {{abc.xyz.bar.}}$func(foos[param[name="primary" and bool=true]].param[name="new"].multiValue)
// Should be: {{abc.xyz.bar.$func(foos[param[name="primary" and bool=true]].param[name="new"].multiValue)}}

I'm looking for a more robust way or better regex to do it. Any suggestions?

Based on the examples you gave, it looks like , should be the delimiter between expressions. So (?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)+) to [^,]* to match everything until the next , .

 const MY_REGEX = /"?(?<![a-zA-Z0-9-_])((?:abc\.(efg|xyz\.bar))[^,]*)"?/gm; console.log('abc.xyz.bar.$func(foos[param[name="primary" and bool=true]].param[name="new"].multiValue)'.replace(MY_REGEX, '{{$1}}')); console.log('abc.efg.bar.name.first, abc.xyz.role, non.captured.term'.replace(MY_REGEX, '{{$1}}'));

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