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How can I read inputs from a Switch Pro Controller in Python?

So the long term plan is, to wirte a program, that can communicate with the nintendo switch and simulate inputs and more stuff through python script. For that I need to know what inputs the switch pro controller sends to the switch (packages). So I want to read out what the Pro Controller sends. Do you guys have any ideas how that would be manageable?

You are thinking toward the right direction. But there is no need to re-invent the wheel unless for your own learning purpose.

To control Nintendo Switch with computer over Bluetooth check this: https://github.com/mart1nro/joycontrol

For more reliable connectivity than Bluetooth (you would want wired connection if the goal is to leave your automation program to run for hours/days) you will need a little development board (Teensy++ 2.0 in this example): https://github.com/bertrandom/snowball-thrower

Once the connectivity has been established with above solutions, you will be able to construct your upper level automation program to achieve your goal, such as: https://github.com/carrotcn/turnip-fortune

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