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Python How to pick a character that can change from a string

If I have this string "for[4t]" and I want to pick "4" . But the number can change : the string can be "for[12t]" , "for[342424t]" , ect.. how I pick this number?

I can't use str.replace('for[', '').replace('t]') , because the rest of the string after this can change.

You can get the variable with a regular expression. In this example, "for[" and "t]" are constant, and you want a variable number of digits inside. In a regular expression, [ is a special character so needs to be escaped. () selects a group of characters you want to capture, and \d+ says "any number of digits (but at least one)".

>>> import re
>>> test = "for[4t]"
>>> re.match(r"for\[(\d+)t]", test).group(1)
>>> test = "for[342424t]"
>>> re.match(r"for\[(\d+)t]", test).group(1)
>>> test = "for[342424t] and other stuff"
>>> re.match(r"for\[(\d+)t]", test).group(1)

Here is a way to do it

import re

strings = ["for[4t]", "for[12t]", "for[342424t]"]
for string in strings:        
    print(re.findall(r"for\[([0-9]+)t", string)[0])
# define some sample message
message = "hello for[555t] goodbye"

# find the first [
bracket_location = message.find("[")

# declare a variable for picking the number
pick_number = ''

# loop over the contents of message, starting one character past
# the bracket
for ch in message[bracket_location+1:]:
    # if this is not a digit, break the loop
    if not ch.isdigit():

    # add this digit to the pick number
    pick_number += ch

# we're done, print the number we picked

lets say the variable string holds the string, and the variable number will hold the number that you want.

if you wat number to have type string:

number = string[string.index("[")+1:string.index("t]")]

if you want number to have type integer:

number = int(string[string.index("[")+1:string.index("t]")])

This only works if the number is between [ and t] , and if those are the first two instances of [ and t] in the string

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