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How to append <li> to each array?

My head was overheated today.. I need help with my code. My English is not so good, so it's hard to explain my issue. So I put problem in HTML what kind of style I need to get from JS. Added things.json file as example, and added JS code.

<!-- What I'm getting: -->


  <li>brown, black, white</li>

<!-- What I need to get: -->



There's example of things.json file:

  "thing": "table",
  "color": [
  "thing": "chair",
  "color": [
  "thing": "bed",
  "color": [

There is example of my function:

 const ENDPOINT = 'things.json' async function getThing(url) { const resp = await fetch(url) const data = await resp.json() data.forEach(appendToHtml) return data } getThing(ENDPOINT).then((value) => { console.log('getThings', value) }) function appendToHtml(data) { const divEl = document.createElement('div') const h2El = document.createElement('h2') const liEl = document.createElement('li') h2El.textContent = data.thing liEl.textContent = data.color outputEl.append(divEl) divEl.append(h2El) divEl.append(liEl) return divEl }

Assuming your json is an array of objects (with colors) you would need 2 levels of loops. One for every item (object) in the array. The other for each object to build the list from its colors (that's also an array).

 var arr = [{ "thing": "table", "color": [ "brown", "black", "white" ] }, { "thing": "chair", "color": [ "yellow", "black", "blue" ] }, { "thing": "bed", "color": [ "red", "blue", "green" ] }]; var outputEl = document.body; function appendToHtml(data) { const divEl = document.createElement('div') const h2El = document.createElement('h2') const list_container = document.createElement('div') h2El.textContent = data.thing outputEl.append(divEl) divEl.append(h2El) divEl.append(list_container) list_container.innerHTML = appendToList(data.color); return divEl } function appendToList(colors) { return "<ul>" + colors.map(color=>`<li>${color}</li>`).join("\n") + "</ul>" } arr.forEach(function(obj) { appendToHtml(obj) })
 <body> </body>

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