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What is the usecase of calling hana::is_valid with a nullary function?

Boost.Hana offers boost::hana::is_valid to check whether a SFINAE-friendly expression is valid.

You can use it like this

    struct Person { std::string name; };
    auto has_name = hana::is_valid([](auto&& p) -> decltype((void)p.name) { });
    Person joe{"Joe"};
    static_assert(has_name(joe), "");
    static_assert(!has_name(1), "");

However, there's a note about the argument to is_valid being a nullary function:

To check whether calling a nullary function f is valid, one should use the is_valid(f)() syntax. […]

How can I even use it by passing to it a nullary function? I mean, if a function is nullary, then how is its body gonna have any dependent context to which SFINAE can apply?

I think that maybe "lambda captures" might have something to do with the answer, but I can't really figure it out how.

Use case is that of checking that f is actually nullary, eg

if constexpr (is_valid(f)()) {
  f(); // Treat f as a "no args function"
} else if constexpr (is_valid(f, arg1)) {

what the documentation says is that unlike functions of non zero arity, the is_valid predicate can only be invoked in the form:

is_valid(f)(); // Invoking "is_valid(f)", i.e. no parentheses, does NOT
               // check that f is a nullary function. 

reminder: to check whether eg a 2 arguments function call is valid you can say:

is_valid(f, arg1, arg2);
// or 
is_valid(f)(arg1, arg2)

Take for example the following Demo

void f0()
    std::cout << "Ok f0\n";

void f1(int)
    std::cout << "Ok f1\n";

template <class F>
void test(F fun)
    if constexpr (hana::is_valid(fun)())
    else if constexpr (hana::is_valid(fun, 2))

int main() {


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