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In swift I want to check if the number which I passed as a parameter to the function is in the array ( which aslo I passed as a parameter)

func check (num: Int, arr: Array<Any>) -> Bool {
    if arr.contains(where: num) {
        return true
check(num: 7, arr: [1, 4, 7, 25, 99])

// eror: Cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type '(Any) throws -> Bool'

You are doing lot of incorrect coding in the above question. So it is better to take a look at here -> Functions in Swit .

  1. when u are passing an array as a parameter u should use [DataTpye] signature.
  2. The method use to check if an element is in an array is this not this .
  3. Your whole function should return a boolean value not only the if part.

Corrected version

func check (num: Int, arr: [Int]) -> Bool {
    return arr.contains(num)
print(check(num: 7, arr: [1, 4, 7, 25, 99])) // true

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