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How to turn a String into a nested Array

I get a String of the format <num-num-num><num-num-num><num-num-num> . I want to turn this into a nested Array of Ints with each Array being the content between the <> .

This is what I got so far:

String parameter = args[1];
// split the string into an array of strings at >

String[] splitString = parameter.split(">");
int[][] square = new int[splitString.length][splitString.length];

// remove <, > and - characters and push the numbers into the square

for (int i = 0; i < splitString.length; i++) {
    splitString[i] = splitString[i].replaceAll("[<>-]", "");

    for (int j = 0; j < splitString.length; j++) {
        square[i][j] = Integer.parseInt(splitString[i].substring(j, j + 1));

I don't feel like this is very clean, but it works. Does anyone have an idea on how to improve readability?

I assume "<num-num-num><num-num-num><num-num-num>" would define a 3x3 grid so I would use the following approach:

  • split the string into a string per row so we get "num-num-num" . That means:
    • remove the leading and trailing angular brackets
    • split at "><" and remove it
  • split each row at "-" to get the individual numbers
  • parse the numbers and assign them to the grid

Some code example:

String input = "<11-12-13><21-22-23><31-32-33>";
//remove leading < and trailing > then split at ><   
String[] inputRows = input.substring(1,input.length()-1).split("><");
int[][] grid = new int[inputRows.length][];
for( int r = 0; r < inputRows.length; r++) {
    //split the row at -
    String[] cells = inputRows[r].split("-");
    //convert the array of strings to an array of int by parsing each cell
    grid[r] = Arrays.stream(cells).mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).toArray();

Here's how it can be done using Java 9 Matcher.results() .

First, let's define a pattern that captures a group of digits interlaid with dashes - :

public static final Pattern ANGLE_BRACKETS = Pattern.compile("<([\\d-]*)>");

Using this pattern, we can create a matcher, and with Matcher.results() generate a stream of MatchResult s, which is an object representing the captured sequence of characters.

We can obtain the matching substring using MatchResult.group() ( 1 should be passed as an argument, since we need a substring without brackets ).

To split each group, we can use either Pattern.splitAsStream() or Arrays.split() . In this case, the latter is preferred because splitting a string on dashes "-" can be done without compiling a regular expression and utilizing regex engine. Pattern.splitAsStream() might be more beneficial when array is large ( splitAsStream() generates a stream directly from the regex engine with need to allocate an intermediate array), or we need to split a string using a regex, and not a regular string like "-" .

String parameter = "<1-2-3><4-5-6><7-8-9>";
int[][] matrix = ANGLE_BRACKETS1.matcher(parameter).results()
    .map(matchResult -> matchResult.group(1))
    .map(str -> Arrays.stream(str.split("-")).mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).toArray())


[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]

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