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Regex : replace url inside string

i have

string = 'Server:xxx-zzzzzzzzz.eeeeeeeeeee.frPIPELININGSIZE'

i need a python regex expression to identify xxx-zzzzzzzzz.eeeeeeeeeee.fr to do a sub-string function to it

Expected output:

string : 'Server:PIPELININGSIZE'

the URL is inside a string, i tried a lot of regex expressions

No regex. single line use just to split on your target word.

string = 'Server:xxx-zzzzzzzzz.eeeeeeeeeee.frPIPELININGSIZE'

last = string.split("fr",1)[1]

first =string[:string.index(":")]
print(f'{first} : {last}')

Gives #


Not sure if this helps, because your question was quite vaguely formulated. :)

import re

string = 'Server:xxx-zzzzzzzzz.eeeeeeeeeee.frPIPELININGSIZE'

string_1 = re.search('[a-z.-]+([A-Z]+)', string).group(1)

print(f'string: Server:{string_1}')



The wording of the question suggests that you wish to find the hostname in the string, but the expected output suggests that you want to remove it. The following regular expression will create a tuple and allow you to do either.

import re

str = "Server:xxx-zzzzzzzzz.eeeeeeeeeee.frPIPELININGSIZE"

p = re.compile('^([A-Za-z]+[:])(.*?)([A-Z]+)$')
m = re.search(p, str)
result = m.groups()
# ('Server:', 'xxx-zzzzzzzzz.eeeeeeeeeee.fr', 'PIPELININGSIZE')

Remove the hostname:

print(f'{result[0]} {result[2]}')
# Output: 'Server: PIPELININGSIZE'

Extract the hostname:

# Output: 'xxx-zzzzzzzzz.eeeeeeeeeee.fr'

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