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File copy-on-write in Java?

I'm using brtfs, and I'd like my Java program to copy a set of large files copy-on-write.

In other words, what's the equivalent of cp --reflink=auto in some library that hopefully exists and somebody has heard of, so they can tell me? :-)

There isn't a Java-specific API to my knowledge, because this is a rather specific, OS-dependent, and filesystem-dependent feature. However, with the help of a library that can issue ioctls (eg this one which I have no affiliation with and found by googling), you can issue theficlonerange ioctl .

To invoke it you'll need to put together a struct:

           struct file_clone_range {
               __s64 src_fd;
               __u64 src_offset;
               __u64 src_length;
               __u64 dest_offset;

It's a bit roundabout in Java, but as an example, you should be able to do this as follows using the linked library:

  1. allocate a direct buffer ,
  2. populate its parameters (being careful to properly deal with machine endianness); you'll need to open FDs as well.
  3. get a pointer with Native.getDirectBufferPointer
  4. Invoke the ioctl with this .
  5. error-check the result and take appropriate action if the ioctl fails or is not supported.

If that seems too brittle, consider writing a C or C++ library that calls the ioctl and has a more convenient API, and then call into it via JNI.

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