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Modify Insert for general use

Hello as of writing this inserting to MongoDB is done with the following code using a class named Game .

var games = database.GetCollection<Game>("Games"); 
Game newGame = new Game() 
    Name = "Monopoly",
    Price = 22, 
    Category = "Board Game" 

I am trying to create a function that takes these as parameters:

void insert(Game game, string collection)
    var games = database.GetCollection<Game>(collection);
// use would be like
Game game=new Game();
//...properties etc


But I would like to use this function as a general-purpose insert function:

MyClass1 c1=new MyClass1();
//...properties etc

insert(c1, "MyClass1");

MyClass2 c2=new MyClass2();
//...properties etc


How should I modify the insert method so it accepts any given class and inserts it into the given MongoDB collection?

void insert(object obj, string collection)
    //...code to get obj's class?

    var mongoObject = database.GetCollection<obj_class>(collection);

You can modify the Insert method to support the generic type as below:

void Insert<T>(T obj, string collectionName) where T : new()
    var collection = database.GetCollection<T>(collectionName);

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