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What is typical webgl MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE in 2023?

I understand that MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE is GPU-dependent. Is there any information about what GPU's support various max texture sizes?

Alternatively, are they any browser usage statistics that report things like MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE ?

In particular, I am looking to find how typical it is in 2023 for a device to support at least 8,192 as a MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE beyond anecdotal reports.

According to the OpenGL Hardware Database with 8374 entries, the typical value for MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE nowadays is 16384 (71%), followed by 32768 (16.9%) and 8192 (9.1%). So in total 97% support a MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE of at least 8192.

Strictly speaking, this value is driver-specific, so you might get different values on the same GPU but with a different driver. However, the OpenGL Hardware DB considers this.

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