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How do you get the property value from a FHIR property using FhirClient

I am using the following code to call the NHS Retrieve Reference Data method

var result = await fhirClient.ReadAsync<CodeSystem>(url);

which returns the following Json (this is a snippet of the full json)

concept": [
  "display": "Booked more urgently due to clinical need",
  "property": [
      "code": "effectiveFrom",
      "valueDateTime": "2019-07-23T17:09:56.000Z"
      "code": "commentIsMandatory",
      "valueBoolean": true
      "code": "canCancelAppointment",
      "valueBoolean": false

I have used the GetExtensionValue method for other calls when the data is within an extension but I can't find a similar method for properties.

Is there a simple method or do I need to just cast into the required type manually?

Thanks in advance

There is no convenience method for this. However, the properties per concept are a list, so you could for example iterate over the concepts and select the properties with boolean values using regular list methods:

foreach (var c in myCodeSystem.Concept)
    var booleanProperties = c.Property.Where(p => (p.Value.TypeName == "boolean"));
    // do something with these properties

or find all concepts that have a boolean property:

var conceptsWithDateTimeProperties = myCodeSystem.Concept.Where(c => c.Property.Exists(p => (p.Value.TypeName == "dateTime")));

Of course you can make your selections as specific as you need.

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