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Prettier prints to the console with python, any ideas?

I have a 10x10 np array which consists of dots and characters. The characters move in a random pattern, after every move i print the array to the consol, but it looks laggy and weird, i wanted to ask if you guys know a way how i can make this look prettier? Im only allowed to use standard python libraries.

class World:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.world = np.empty((self.x, self.y), dtype=object)

Here i created the array, which is filled with symbols or nothing

def print_world(self):
        for i in range(self.x):
            for j in range(self.y):
                if self.world[i, j] == None:
                    print('.', end=' ')
                    print(self.world[i, j].symb, end=' ')

this is the actual print, and my question is how i can make this look prettier, regarding its lagginess not its visuals. Thank you

As suggested by JonSG avoid calling multiple print should improve lag.

def print_world(self):
    world_str = str()
    for x in range(self.x):
        for y in range(self.y):
            if self.world[x, y] is None:
                world_str += ". "
                world_str += self.world[x, y].symb
        world_str += "\n"

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