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c++ Behavioral tree patterns and calling members without semicolons or pointer references

I have a quick question about this type of implementation calling in a behavioral tree pattern. From what I can see the first line they call the pointer to an object "builder" but every subsequent line after it they omit calling the pointer object "builder". They also omit the ";" semicolon

a: what type of pattern is this and where can I find a reference to calling members on a pointer like this

BT::BehaviorTree* Bt=Builder
                 -> Sequence()
                ->Parallel(BT::EPolicy::RequireAll, BT::EPolicy::RequireOne)

The Definition of the class looks like this

class BehaviorTreeBuilder
    BehaviorTreeBuilder() { }
    ~BehaviorTreeBuilder() { }
    BehaviorTreeBuilder* Sequence();
    BehaviorTreeBuilder* Action(EActionMode ActionModes);
    BehaviorTreeBuilder* Condition(EConditionMode ConditionMode, bool IsNegation);
    BehaviorTreeBuilder* Selector();
    BehaviorTreeBuilder* Repeat(int RepeatNum);
    BehaviorTreeBuilder* ActiveSelector();
    BehaviorTreeBuilder* Filter();
    BehaviorTreeBuilder* Parallel(EPolicy InSucess, EPolicy InFailure);
    BehaviorTreeBuilder* Monitor(EPolicy InSucess, EPolicy InFailure);
    BehaviorTreeBuilder* Back();
    BehaviorTree* End();

The main question I have is that the I understand that they creating an object pointer and adding methods to the pointer.

but what I dont understand is when they call the tree builder that each new line omits the pointer name and gets away with following eg

...= Builder 
-> functionA()
-> functionB()
-> functionA()
-> functionC(); 

Is this perhaps some kind of a lambda expression or stack or queue pattern? . What's the patterns name and where can I find a reference to it as all the books I've read makes no reference to doing things like this.

Thanks in advance!

The implimentation of the class

This is not a class implementation, this is a class definition.

The possible class member function implementation:

BehaviorTreeBuilder* BehaviorTreeBuilder::Sequence() {
  // Do stuff
  return this;

All the magic is in return this .

= Builder 
-> functionA()
-> functionB();

It's same as

= (Builder 
-> functionA())
-> functionB();

If a function returns a pointer, you can deal with a result as with a pointer.

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