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How do I overload the + operator to add multiple variables to an array in one line

I am overloading the + operator in C++ to add numbers to an array. I can't add more than one number to the array in one line of code.

This is my + operator method

template<typename Item>
SortedCollection<Item> SortedCollection<Item>::operator+(Item num){
  SortedCollection<Item> a;
  this -> add(num);
  return a;

This is the add method in the class it inherits from

template<typename Item>
void Collection<Item>::add(Item e) {
    if (curSize == capacity) {
    elements[curSize] = e;
SortedCollection<int> one;
 one + 19 + 9 + 2 + 8 + 7 + 12  + 17 + 0 + 11 + 6 + 3 + 1;
 cout << one[0] << endl;
 cout << one[1] << endl;

In main, the output of this is 19 0 However when I try

one + 19;
one + 9;
cout << one[0] << endl;
cout << one[1] << endl;

It works like intended 19 9 If anyone knows how I can get it to all add on the same line I would appreciate it.

+ is not best choice for such operation. According to principle of "least surprise" + should not modify its operands. Better to use << for example.

That being said you have couple of problems:

  1. Operator should return reference to object, not copy of object.
  2. There is no need to create a object, just return *this .

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