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How to generate a set of numbers consisting of a certain number of digits in C#?

I have to generate a set of numbers consisting of 5 digits, as shown below. I tried to search some info about this but found nothing.

int playerId;

System.Random rand = new System.random();
for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
     playerId = random.Next();
Console.Write($"Generating player ID: {playerId}");

// output example: Generating player ID:  1158453178

As a result, i got a set of numbers consisting of 10 digits. How can i solve this problem?

What you're doing in your code is generating five different random numbers of 10 digits ( random.Next() generates integers less than the integer maximum value, 2147483647) and printing the last one. If you want to generate a 5 digit random number, you can just use random.Next(100000).ToString("D5") , which will generate a random positive integer under 100,000, and then fill out the front with zeroes if needed.

you should put Console.Write($"Generating player ID: {playerId}"); inside the for block, something like this:

int playerId;
System.Random rand = new System.random();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
  playerId = random.Next();
  Console.Write($"Generating player ID: {playerId}");

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