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I have a table in MySQL That looks like the following:

date        |storenum   |views 
08/21/2009  |42         |3  
08/22/2009  |43         |1    
08/21/2009  |43         |4  
08/22/2009  |42         |22

I know that this is an unconventional date format, but I am using it as opposed to YYYY-MM-DD for ease of use. Yet i have to search this database to get all "View Records" Between two dates. In general it works but when I search from a date such as 01/01/2009 to 01/01/2010 I get no results.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Constructive criticism is welcome. Thanks!

In all honesty, change the way you store dates. But for working with what you have now, you could look into using STR_TO_DATE() to convert these to dates that MySQL can work with.

You mention ease of use - I think the case you are trying to resolve now is an example of "not so easy to use" :).

I would stick to the default format of dates in MySQL

yyyy-mm-dd h:i:s //php's date formatting 

and use DATE fields. This will solve the searching/inserting of dates problem. Though you need to change some code to fix displaying the dates.

what is your date field type? for a correct use it should be date or datetime , and seeing what you have it looks like you store you dates in a varchar. am I right?

This also have the advantage you can add indexes, and then search in ranges trough mysql

my suggestion is get whatever the user enter. and then convert it to a mysql date format for searching

something like:


$mysql_time = date('Y-m-d H:m:s' strotime('05/11/2008'));

$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM sometable < '%s'", $mysql_time);


尝试使用“ yyyyMMdd”格式的搜索,MySql肯定会识别它。

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