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In this scenario, how to frame a common function and parameterize casting?

These are the 2 sets of activities :

        List<object> AFilterObject = A_List.SelectedList;
        List<A> AFilters = new List<A>();
        foreach (Aitem in AFilterObject )
            //Do activity X
        List<object> BFilterObj = B_List.SelectedList;
        List<B> payopFilters = new List<B>();
        foreach (B item in BFilterObj )
            //Do same activity X            }

As you can see both the set of activities are common except for the type involved. How can I write a method with 2 parameters - filterObject, Type - so that I can use this method in a common manner?

To make myself clearer, the final objective is:

CommonMethod(List<object> x, Type y???) { //cast x to type y then do some stuff }

//so that I can call
CommonMethod(BFilterObj ,B); 
CommonMethod(AFilterObj ,A); 

Use a generic method:

public void ApplyFilters<T>(List<object> x)

You may need to apply some constraints to T so that you can do what you need to in the method. For example:

public void ApplyFilters<T>(List<object> x) 
    where T : class. ISomeInterface

You would then call it by specifying the type as a type argument :


If you don't know the type until execution time, that becomes somewhat harder - you have to call the method with reflection. Let me know if this is the case - but you don't want to do that unless you really have to.

If they have a common interface or base type, you can do this:

void DoActivities<TItem>(IList<TItem> filterObject) where TItem : SomeBaseType
    foreach (SomeBaseType item in filterObject)
        item.DoActivity(/* ... */);

If they don't have anything in common, you could do this:

void DoActivities<TItem>(IList<TItem> filterObject, Action<TItem> activity)
    foreach (TItem item in filterObject)

Then you could pass a delegate/lambda expression:

List<SomeClass> items = new List<SomeClass>();
// ...
DoActivities(items, (item) => item.SomeClassMethod(/* ... */));

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