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scala case classes questions

I have two questions regarding the '::' case class.

:: can be used as

case head :: tail => ...

How does it work? Meaning, what is exactly the flow that Scala uses to match a List instance with the :: case class? Given that I have a class MyClass, with operator op, can I create a case class named op that I can use as:

case foo op bar => ....


     scala> abstract class Stack {
     |     def push(n :Int):Stack
     | }
      defined class Stack

     scala> final case class push(st :Stack,hd :Int) extends Stack {
     |     override def push(n :Int):Stack = new push(this,n)
     | }
     defined class push

     scala> object NullStack extends Stack {
     |     override def push(n :Int):Stack = new push(null,n)
     | }
     defined module NullStack

     scala> val s = NullStack.push(1).push(2)
     s: Stack = push(push(null,1),2)

     scala> def test(s :Stack) = s match { case st push i => println(st +"push " + i) }
     test: (Stack)Unit

     scala> test(s)
     push(null,1)push 2

It's detailed in page 301 of Programming in Scala , About pattern matching on List s.

The "cons" pattern x :: xs is a special case of an infix operation pattern. You know already that, when seen as an expression, an infix operation is equivalent to a method call. For patterns, the rules are different: When seen as a pattern, an infix operation such as p op q is equivalent to op(p, q) . That is, the infix operator op is treated as a constructor pattern. In particular, a cons pattern such as x :: xs is treated as ::(x, xs) . This hints that there should be a class named :: that correspond to the pattern constructor. Indeed there is such a class. It is named scala.:: and is exactly the class that builds non-empty lists.

Actually, the fact that :: is a case class is only half of the answer. The reason this works in pattern matching is that there is an extractor for object ::, which is generated automatically when a case class is defined. Conveniently, ::.unapply returns a List, because :: extends List. If you want to use the same trick for Lists, though, you won't be able to extend List, because it's final . What you can do is define an object with the appropriate unapply method, which has the expected return signature. For instance, to match the last element of a list, you can do:

object ::> {def unapply[A] (l: List[A]) = Some( (l.init, l.last) )}

List(1, 2, 3) match {
  case _ ::> last => println(last)

(1 to 9).toList match {
  case List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) ::> 9 => "woah!"
(1 to 9).toList match {
  case List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) ::> 8 ::> 9 => "w00t!"

The extractor must return an Option, which contains a tuple of the two deconstructed elements.

The text cited by eed3si9n is on p. 331 in the PDF-edition of "Programming in Scala" (1st ed.)

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