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How can I determine type of mysql database : whether it is InnoDB or MyISAM?

  • How can I determine type of mysql database : whether it is InnoDB or MyISAM ?
  • How can I convert MyISAM to InnoDB or vice-versa ?

To determine the storage engine being used by a table, you can use show table status . The Engine field in the results will show the database engine for the table. Alternately, you can select the engine field from information_schema.tables :

select engine 
from   information_schema.tables 
where  table_schema = 'schema_name'
   and table_name = 'table_name' 

You can change between storage engines using alter table :

alter table the_table engine = InnoDB;

Where, of course, you can specify any available storage engine.

选择有问题的数据库并运行show table status;


will list everything for all tables, starting with whether they are MyISAM or InnoDB. if you desire to list only data regarding 1 table, the syntax below may be used* :

SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `database` LIKE 'table';

to change the table engine:


*attention use the GRAVE ACCENT (` backtick) for the database name and the table name and the SINGLE QUOTE (') for the comparison string (portion of table name) after LIKE.

` != '

Here is a query that lists all tables in all databases and their storage engines:

SELECT table_name, table_schema, engine
FROM information_schema.tables;

(From https://serverfault.com/a/244792/406647 )

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