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Select distinct values from 1 column

I want to select distinct values from only one column (the BoekingPlaatsId column) with this query:

SELECT MAX(BoekingPlaatsId), BewonerId, Naam, VoorNaam
FROM table
GROUP BY BewonerId, Naam, VoorNaam

How do I do that in SQL Server?

DISTINCT should work if you just want the user names:

SELECT DISTINCT BewonerId, Naam, Voornaam

but if you need the minimum ID values, group by the names...

SELECT MIN(BoekingPlaatsId), MIN(BewonerId), Naam, Voornaam
GROUP BY Naam, Voornaam

I think you should be able to use

SELECT DISTINCT BewonerId, Naam, VoorNaam

You can't add BoekingPlaatsId , because:

  • DISTINCT looks for unique rows
  • You need to specify what BoekingPlaatsId value you want
    (In case of Jan Janssens, do you want BoekingPlaatsId 1 or 2?)

What also works is this:

SELECT MAX(BoekingPlaatsId), BewonerId, Naam, VoorNaam
FROM ...
GROUP BY BewonerId, Naam, VoorNaam

I don't do alot of this so i'm not 100% certain of the syntax so you may need to tweak it slightly, google rank over and partition. Try this...

    RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY Naam  order by Naam ) as Rank
    Rank = 1

This is overkill for a 4 column table, but if you have a fairly denormalised table with alot of columns, this approach is invaluable for select distinct on 1 column.

just group By those 2 columns

  Select Min(BoekingPlaatsId), Min(bewonerId), naam, voornaam
  from table
  group By naam, voornaam
select Naam, Voornaam, min(BewonerId), min(BoekingPlaatsId) from tableName
group by Naam, Voornaam


select distinct column1 from table1 where column2 = (select distinct column2 from table1)

This is how you can select from a table with only unique values for your column:

CREATE VIEW [yourSchema].[v_ViewOfYourTable] AS
WITH DistinctBoekingPlaats AS
    SELECT [BewonerId], 
           ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY [BoekingPlaatsId] ORDER BY DESC) AS 'RowNum'
    FROM [yourSchema].[v_ViewOfYourTable]
FROM DistinctProfileNames
WHERE RowNum = 1
--if you would like to apply group by you can do it in this bottom select clause but you don't need it to gather distinct values 

You don't need group by to accomplish this.

I ran into a similar problem and for me the solution was using the GROUP BY clause. So basically, I grouped all the blogs with same title as one group.


SELECT post_title, post_link
FROM blogs
WHERE [ conditions ]
GROUP BY post_title
ORDER BY post_title;

Maybe you are grouping multiple columns


select distinct(BewonerId), Naam, Voornaam from table_name

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