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IPC between .NET and C++ applications

.NET应用程序和本机C ++应用程序之间是否存在用于进程间通信(IPC)的库?

You can use Socket for simple communication. It's in the os so you don't need any new libraries. Detailed info in C++ Socket and C# Socket

If the interprocess communication is always going to be done on the same machine, named pipes is the way to go because they are faster than other options.

A simple (though limited) IPC mechanism is the WM_COPYDATA message

You can easily use it to transmit a struct to a native application.

I use the following helper class :

public static class CopyDataHelper

    public struct COPYDATASTRUCT
        private int _dwData;
        private int _cbData;
        private IntPtr _lpData;

        public int DataId
            get { return _dwData; }
            set { _dwData = value; }

        public int DataSize
            get { return _cbData; }

        public IntPtr Data
            get { return _lpData; }

        public void SetData<T>(T data) where T : struct
            int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
            IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(data, ptr, true);
            _lpData = ptr;
            _cbData = size;

        public T GetData<T>() where T : struct
            return (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure(_lpData, typeof(T));

    private static extern bool SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, IntPtr wParam, ref COPYDATASTRUCT lParam);

    public const int WM_COPYDATA = 0x004A;

    public static bool Send<T>(IntPtr fromHwnd, IntPtr toHwnd, int dataId, T data) where T : struct
        IntPtr ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
            cds.DataId = dataId;
            return SendMessage(toHwnd, WM_COPYDATA, fromHwnd, ref cds);
            if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero)

    public static COPYDATASTRUCT Receive(Message msg)
        if (msg.Msg != WM_COPYDATA)
            throw new ArgumentException("This is not a WM_COPYDATA message");
        return cds;


To catch the WM_COPYDATA message, you need to override WndProc :

    protected override void WndProc(ref Message msg)
        if (msg.Msg == CopyDataHelper.WM_COPYDATA)
            CopyDataHelper.COPYDATASTRUCT cds = CopyDataHelper.Receive(msg);
            if (cds.DataId == myDataId)
                MyData data = cds.GetData<MyData>();
                msg.Result = DoSomething(data);

        base.WndProc(ref msg);

Check Google's Protocol Buffers ( protobuf ). The original implementation supports C++, Java & Python, but for .NET there is protobuf-net .

命名管道或我使用COM Interop都是不错的选择。

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