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Need help in javascript code

var radiobox = document.getElementById('<%=rdoRiskAccepted.ClientID%>');


I am getting undefined as a alert. what am I doing wrong.

getElementById returns a single element because, even for radio groups, the id attribute must be unique . You should use the name attribute to specify a radio group and use getElementsByName instead. For instance:

<input type="radio" name="myRadio" checked><label>1</label>
<input type="radio" name="myRadio"><label>2</label>


var radiobox = document.getElementsByName("myRadio");

use alert(radiobox .checked);

I would also like to know why you are using clientid only you have to use <%=this.page.clientid + "_" + rdoRiskAccepted.ClientID%>

With jQuery...

<asp:radiobuttonlist ID="rdoRiskAccepted" runat="server">
    <asp:listitem Value="True" Selected="true">Yes</asp:listitem>
    <asp:listitem Value="False">No</asp:listitem>

<script type="text/javascript">
    var riskAccepted=$('#<%=rdoRiskAccepted.ClientID%> input');
    alert(riskAccepted[0].checked); //true

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