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list or container O(1)-ish insertion/deletion performance, with array semantics

I'm looking for a collection that offers list semantics, but also allows array semantics. Say I have a list with the following items:

apple orange carrot pear 

then my container array would:

container[0] == apple 
container[1] == orangle 
container[2] == carrot 

Then say I delete the orange element:

container[0] == apple 
container[1] == carrot 

I want to collapse gaps in the array without having to do an explicit resizing, Ie if I delete container[0], then the container collapses, so that container[1] is now mapped as container[0], and container[2] as container[1], etc. I still need to access the list with array semantics, and null values aren't allow (in my particular use case).


To answer some questions - I know O(1) is impossible, but I don't want a container with array semantics approaching O(log N). Sort of defeats the purpose, I could just iterate the list.

I originally had some verbiage here on sort order, I'm not sure what I was thinking at the time (Friday beer-o-clock most likely). One of the use-cases is Qt list that contains images - deleting an image from the list should collapse the list, not necessary take the last item from the list and throw it in it's place. In this case, yet, I do want to preserve list semantics.

The key differences I see as separating list and array: Array - constant-time access List - arbitrary insertion

I'm also not overly concerned if rebalancing invalidates iterators.

You could do an ArrayList/Vector (Java/C++) and when you delete, instead swap the last element with the deleted element first. So if you have ABCDE, and you delete C, you'll end up with ABE D. Note that references to E will have to look at 2 instead of 4 now (assuming 0 indexed) but you said sort order isn't a problem.

I don't know if it handles this automatically (optimized for removing from the end easily) but if it's not you could easily write your own array-wrapper class.

O(1) might be too much to ask for.

Is O(logn) insert/delete/access time ok? Then you can have a balanced red-black tree with order statistics: http://www.catonmat.net/blog/mit-introduction-to-algorithms-part-seven/

It allows you to insert/delete/access elements by position.

As Micheal was kind enough to point out, Java Treemap supports it: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/TreeMap.html

Also, not sure why you think O(logN) will be as bad as iterating the list!

From my comments to you on some other answer:

For 1 million items, using balanced red-black trees, the worst case is 2log(n+1) ie ~40. You need to do no more than 40 compares to find your element and that is the absolute worst case. Red-black trees also cater to the hole/gap disappearing. This is miles ahead of iterating the list (~ 1/2 million on average!).

With AVL trees instead of red-black trees, the worst case guarantee is even better: 1.44 log(n+1), which is ~29 for a million items.

你应该使用一个HashMap ,你将有O(1) - 预期的插入时间,只需要从整数到任何地方进行映射。

If the order isn't important, then a vector will be fine. Access is O(1), as is insertion using push_back , and removal like this:

swap(container[victim], container.back());

EDIT: just noticed the question is tagged C++ and Java. This answer is for C++ only.

I'm not aware of any data structure that provides O(1) random access, insertion, and deletion, so I suspect you'll have to accept some tradeoffs.

LinkedList in Java provides O(1) insertion/deletion from the head or tail of the list is O(1) , but random access is O(n) .

ArrayList provides O(1) random access, but insertion/deletion is only O(1) at the tail of the list. If you insert/delete from the middle of the list, it has to move around the remaining elements in the list. On the bright side, it uses System.arraycopy to move elements, and it's my understanding that this is essentially O(1) on modern architectures because it literally just copies blocks of memory around instead of processing each element individually. I say essentially because there is still work to find enough contiguous blocks of free space, etc. and I'm not sure what the big-O might be on that.

Since you seem to want to insert at arbitrary positions in (near) constant time, I think using a std::deque is your best bet in C++. Unlike the std::vector , a deque (double-ended queue) is implemented as a list of memory pages, ie a chunked vector. This makes insertion and deletion at arbitrary positions a constant-time operation (depending only on the page size used in the deque). The data structure also provides random access (“array access”) in near-constant time – it does have to search for the correct page but this is a very fast operation in practice.

Java's standard container library doesn't offer anything similar but the implementation is straightforward.

What about Concurent SkipList Map? It do O(Log N) ?


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