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How to correctly multiply two long long ints?

I want to multiply long numbers which are given in a 2^32 basis. I already thought of an nice algorithm to do that, but unfortunatly I'm stuck. The situation I'm stuck at, is how I do multiply two long ints and represent it on the 2^32 basis.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
int main(int argc, char* argv[] )

  uint64 a = (uint64)ULONG_MAX;
  printf("%llu\n", a);
  uint64 b = (uint64)ULONG_MAX;  
  printf("%llu\n", b);  
  uint64 c = (uint64)(a*b);

  printf("%llu\n", c);  // prints 1. that would be to lower 32 bits of the results. the upper half is 0xFFFFFFFE

  printf("%llu\n", ULLONG_MAX);

Why is ULLONG_MAX the same as ULONG_MAX ? According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limits.h#Member_constants it should be 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 I

As you can see from my comments, I want the result of the the multiplikation in the two uint32. The lowerhalf would be 0x1 and the upper half 0xFFFFFFFE. How do I get these values?

(I found this question on SO, but it's not helpful in my situation because the answers given ar similiar to my ideas: Multiplying two long long ints C )

Edit: My system is Windows XP 32 Bit. I'm using gcc 3.4.2 (mingw-special)

The output I do get while running the code:



  printf("%i\n", sizeof(unsigned long));
  printf("%i\n", sizeof(unsigned long long)); 



Edit 3: Thanks to Petesh I was able to find the solution:

  printf("%lu\n", c & 0xFFFFFFFF);
  printf("%lu\n", (c >> 32));

The hint is in the system("pause") - you're on windows? Printing a long long using the Microsoft visual c runtime requires using '%I64u' (that's a capital i).

This is based on SO question How do you printf an unsigned long long int(the format specifier for unsigned long long int)?

Not sure why you're getting those results with your (unspecified) compiler but gcc under Ubuntu 10 gives:


with those last two being 0xfffffffe00000001 and (2 64 -1) respectively, as you desire.

So maybe consider switching to a more up-to-date compiler. It may be you're using a pre-C99 compiler.

Just out of interest, what does sizeof (unsigned long) and sizeof (unsigned long long) give you on your system. This would go a long way towards explaining your problem.

A couple of other things to check since your sizeof s seem to indicate the data types themselves are okay (though these may not fix the problem - they were found with a fairly shallow web search ):

  • Try using "%I64u" as the format string instead of "%llu" . If MinGW is using the MSVCRT libs, that might be required for real 64-bit printf support.
  • Make sure you're compiling with -std=c99 .

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