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Strange? behaviour of cout

Why executing this code:

// DefaultAny.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>

using std::cout;

template<class T>
struct NoReturnPolicy 
    static void calculate(T& result, const T& source)
        result = source;

template<class T>
struct ReturnPolicy 
    static T& calculate(T& result, const T& source)
        result = source;
        return result;

template<class T>
struct ThrowPolicy 
    static void check(T* ptr)
        cout << "ThrowPolicy";
        struct Nullptr: public std::exception{};

            throw Nullptr("Nullptr not allowed"); 

template<class T>
struct NoThrowPolicy 
    static T* check(T* ptr)
        cout << "NoThrowPolicy";
            return nullptr;
            return ptr;

If pointer already points at 
something no assignement is being done
template<class T, class ThrowingPolicy>
struct NoAssignPolicy 
    static T* check(T* dest,const T*const src)
        cout << "NoAssignPolicy";
        if (!ThrowPolicy::check(dest))
            dest = operator new(sizeof(T));
            new (dest) T(*src);


template<class T,class ThrowingPolicy>
struct NoCheckPolicy
    static void check(T* p)
        cout << "NoCheckPolicy";

template<class T,class ThrowingPolicy>
struct CheckPolicy
    static void check(T* p)
        cout << "CheckPolicy";

         class T,
         class ThrowingPolicy = NoThrowPolicy<T>,
         class CheckingPolicy = NoCheckPolicy<T,ThrowingPolicy>,  
         class AssigningPolicy = NoAssignPolicy<T,ThrowingPolicy>,
         class ReturningPolicy = NoReturnPolicy<T>
struct BreadSlicer
        cout << "Type: " << typeid(T).name() << '\n';
            cout << "ThrowingPolicy: " << ThrowingPolicy::check(0) << '\n'; //  
//<<<---------The second call to cout makes output on my console:  

    //The words NoSpace and Space do not actually appear in my console ;) and they are in the opposite order.

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    BreadSlicer<int> a;
    return 0;


See comments in first struct above main.

This is the result of unspecified behavior. If you have:

cout << a() << b() << c() << endl;

The order of execution of a, b, and c is not defined (yes, their results are added to the cout stream in a predictable order, but execution of the functions is not in defined order).

If your question is why "NoThrowPolicy" gets output before "ThrowingPolicy", the answer is that there's no sequence point guaranteeing an ordering for the call to ThrowingPolicy::check(0) and the call to operator<<(cout, "ThrowingPolicy: ") . C++ is allowed to call those functions in either order.

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