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How to split this string using Java Regular Expressions

I want to split the string

String fields = "name[Employee Name], employeeno[Employee No], dob[Date of Birth], joindate[Date of Joining]";



I wrote the following java code for this but it is printing only name other matches are not printing.

String fields = "name[Employee Name], employeeno[Employee No], dob[Date of Birth], joindate[Date of Joining]";

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\[.+\\]+?,?\\s*" );

String[] split = pattern.split(fields);
for (String string : split) {

What am I doing wrong here?

Thank you

This part:


matches the first [ , the .+ then gobbles up the entire string (if no line breaks are in the string) and then the \\\\] will match the last ] .

You need to make the .+ reluctant by placing a ? after it:

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\[.+?\\]+?,?\\s*");

And shouldn't \\\\]+? just be \\\\] ?

The error is that you are matching greedily . You can change it to a non-greedy match:



WOuld it be better to use Negated Character Classes to match the square brackets? \\[(\\w+\\s)+\\w+[^\\]]\\]

You could also see a good example how does using a negated character class work internally (without backtracking)?

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