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Pass a Parameter object (PSCredential) inside a ScriptBlock programmatically in C#

I am trying to run an HPC cmdlet programmatically to change HPC install credential on a remote computer. If run the cmdlet locally, it's pretty straightforward:

Runspace rs = GetPowerShellRunspace();

Pipeline pipeline = rs.CreatePipeline();
PSCredential credential = new PSCredential(domainAccount, newPassword);
Command cmd = new Command("Set-HpcClusterProperty");
cmd.Parameters.Add("InstallCredential", credential);


Collection<PSObject> ret = pipeline.Invoke();

However, if I want to do the same thing with remote PowerShell, I need to run Invoke-Command and pass in the credential to the ScriptBlock inside the Command. How can I do that? It might look something like this, except I need to pass in the credential as an object binded to the InstallCredential parameter inside the ScriptBlock instead of a string:

Pipeline pipeline = rs.CreatePipeline();
PSCredential credential = new PSCredential(domainAccount, newPassword);

    "Invoke-Command -ComputerName {0} -ScriptBlock {{ Set-HpcClusterProperty -InstallCredential {1} }}",

Collection<PSObject> ret = pipeline.Invoke();
powershell.AddParameter("Name", "cred");
powershell.AddParameter("Value", Credential);

powershell.AddScript(@"$s = New-PSSession -ComputerName '" + serverName + "' -Credential $cred");
powershell.AddScript(@"$a = Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock {" + cmdlet + "}");
powershell.AddScript(@"Remove-PSSession -Session $s");
powershell.AddScript(@"echo $a");

Where Credential is the c# PSCredential object

I use this, maybe it can help you.

I would continue to use AddCommand for Invoke-Command (instead of AddScript). Add the parameters for Invoke-Command and when you get to Scriptblock parameter, make sure the scriptblock defines a param() block eg:

{param($cred) Set-HpcClusterProperty -InstallCredential $cred}

Then add the ArgumentList parameter to the Invoke-Command command and set the value to the credential you have created.

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