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Python/Django: How to remove extra white spaces & tabs from a string?

I'm building a website with Python/Django. Users submit tags. Each tag can contain multiple words. Each tag has an ID number. I want to make sure tags that are formatted slightly differently are still being recognized as the same tag.

For example, if one user submitted the tag "electric guitar" and the other submitted "electric guitar" (2 white spaces between the 2 words) I want to be able to recognize they are the same tag.

How to I remove all the extra white spaces and tabs in this case? Thanks.


' '.join(s.split())
>>> import re
>>> re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', 'some   test with     ugly  whitespace')
'some test with ugly whitespace'


from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify

"electric guitar".split() will give you ['electric', 'guitar'] . So will "electric \\tguitar" .

This function removes everything which is not digit in a string. I use it all over the place.

def parseInt(string):
    if isinstance(string, (str, int, unicode)):
            digit = int(''.join([x for x in string if x.isdigit() ]))
        except ValueError:
            return False
            return digit
        return False   

There could be many white spaces like below:

var = "         This      is the example  of how to remove spaces   "

Just do simple task like, use replace function:

realVar = var.replace(" ",'')

Now the outpur would be:


Just Chill......... :-)

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