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How to use the “is” operator in System.Type variables?

here is what a I'm doing:

object ReturnMatch(System.Type type)  
    foreach(object obj in myObjects)  
        if (obj == type)  
            return obj;  

However, if obj is a subclass of type , it will not match. But I would like the function to return the same way as if I was using the operator is .

I tried the following, but it won't compile:

if (obj is type) // won't compile in C# 2.0  

The best solution I came up with was:

if (obj.GetType().Equals(type) || obj.GetType().IsSubclassOf(type))  

Isn't there a way to use operator is to make the code cleaner?

I've used the IsAssignableFrom method when faced with this problem.

Type theTypeWeWant; // From argument or whatever
foreach (object o in myCollection)
    if (theTypeWeWant.IsAssignableFrom(o.GetType))
         return o;

Another approach that may or may not work with your problem is to use a generic method:

private T FindObjectOfType<T>() where T: class
    foreach(object o in myCollection)
        if (o is T)
             return (T) o;
    return null;

(Code written from memory and is not tested)



Not using the is operator, but the Type.IsInstanceOfType Method appears to be what you're looking for.


the is operator indicates whether or not it would be 'safe' to cast one object as another obeject (often a super class).

if(obj is type)

if obj is of type 'type' or a subclass thereof, then the if statement will succeede as it is 'safe' to cast obj as (type)obj.

see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/scekt9xw(VS.71).aspx

Is there a reason why you cannot use the "is" keyword itself?

foreach(object obj in myObjects)
  if (obj is type)
    return obj;

EDIT - I see what I was missing. Isak's suggestion is the correct one; I have tested and confirmed it.

  class Level1

  class Level2A : Level1

  class Level2B : Level1

  class Level3A2A : Level2A

  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      object[] objects = new object[] {"testing", new Level1(), new Level2A(), new Level2B(), new Level3A2A(), new object() };

      ReturnMatch(typeof(Level1), objects);

    static void ReturnMatch(Type arbitraryType, object[] objects)
      foreach (object obj in objects)
        Type objType = obj.GetType();

        Console.Write(arbitraryType.ToString() + " is ");

        if (!arbitraryType.IsAssignableFrom(objType))
          Console.Write("not ");

        Console.WriteLine("assignable from " + objType.ToString());


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