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regex_search and regex_replace with Boost

I'm trying to loop among some strings delimited by a '$' pair in a line, replacing each match with a specific value in order to get an output line with all markers replaced but I'm stuck at the second match as I don't know how to concatenate the new replacement value:

const boost::regex expression( "\\$[\\w]+\\$" );
string fileLine( "Mr $SURNAME$ from $LOCATION$" );
string outLine;

string::const_iterator begin = fileLine.begin();
string::const_iterator end = fileLine.end();

boost::match_results<string::const_iterator> what;
boost::match_flag_type flags = boost::match_default;

while ( regex_search( begin, end, what, expression, flags ) ) {
  actualValue = valuesMap[what[0]];

  ostringstream t( ios::out | ios::binary );
  ostream_iterator<char, char> oi( t );

  boost::regex_replace( oi, begin, end, expression, actualValue, 
                        boost::match_default | boost::format_first_only );
  outLine.append( t.str() );
  begin = what[0].second;

The problem is in the outLine.append( t.str() ) as the concatenation is not done properly because after the first match, the outLine holds already some of the characters preceding the next match.

Since you request only first value in a string to be replaced (by using boost::format_first_only flag) original string


will be converted into


on first iteration and then

" from ACTUAL_VAL"

will be appended to it since you explicitly set begin to "what[0].second. so final output is


which is not what you need. Here is working example that has side effect - it modifies fileLine:

   const boost::regex expression( "\\$[\\w]+\\$" );
    string fileLine( "Mr $SURNAME$ from $LOCATION$" );
    string outLine;

    string::const_iterator begin = fileLine.begin();
    string::const_iterator end = fileLine.end();

    boost::match_results<string::const_iterator> what;
    boost::match_flag_type flags = boost::match_default;

    while ( regex_search( begin, end, what, expression, flags ) ) 
        const char* actualValue = valuesMap[what[0]];

        ostringstream t( ios::out | ios::binary );
        ostream_iterator<char, char> oi( t );

        boost::regex_replace( oi, begin, end, expression, 
`enter code here`actualValue, boost::match_default | boost::format_first_only );

        begin = fileLine.begin();
        end = fileLine.end();        

    std::cout << fileLine << std::endl;

If you don't want to modify fileLine, then you should make "begin" and "end" to mark the beginning and end of sliding window that contains exactly one pattern.

Though I'm not 100% sure about your intent, I presume your goal is replacing each matched substring in fileLine with the corresponding value of valuesMap .
If so, the following code might meet your purpose:

  ...same as your code...

  while ( regex_search( begin, end, what, expression, flags ) ) {
    outLine.insert( outLine.end(), begin, what[0].first );
    outLine += valuesMap[what[0]];
    begin = what[0].second;

  outLine.insert( outLine.end(), begin, end );

Hope this helps

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