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When querying tables/fields in Oracle database, how to see table schema in query results? (using SQuirreL SQL)

At my workplace we have a database with multiple schemas, and some table names may be repeated in different schemas. There are thousands of tables so it is not time-effective to wade through the entire list.

If I do a query where I want to find all the tables containing the word CUSTOMER in their names, for example:

select table_name from all_tables where table_name like '%CUSTOMER%' order by table_name

The results just look like this, with no clues of which schema the tables are located under.


Is there a way to query Oracle so that I know under which schemas the tables are located? We do not seem to have SQL+ because I got a 9000 error when trying the DESCRIBE command. I am tired of scrolling around the Objects tab in SQuirreL SQL!

Thank you very much.



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