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remove double quotes from a string in c++

I am stripping off double quotes from a string, but I keep getting this error from the following function. What is the problem here?

void readCSVCell(stringstream& lineStream, string& s) {
    s.erase(remove( s.begin(), s.end(), '\"' ), s.end());


c.cpp: In function void readCSVCell(std::stringstream&, std::string&) :
c.cpp:11: error: cannot convert __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > to const char* for argument 1 to int remove(const char*)

Don't you want something like:

s.erase(remove( s.begin(), s.end(), '\"' ),s.end());

As remove returns "A forward iterator pointing to the new end of the sequence, which now includes all the elements with a value other than value" rather than removing the values.

It compiles fine for me though (with gcc 4.4), so perhaps you just need to include <algorithm> and make sure you are either using namespace std or qualify the name.

Do you have stdio.h included? Then there could be a conflict with remove . This is the reason why you always should prefix std -calls with, well, std:: .


remove is algorithm, hence you need to do #include <algorithm> . Then while using you should use it as std::remove(...) .

remove requires the algorithm header and is from std namespace

I do find the C++ Reference very helpful for quickly getting usage examples and what headers are required. It may not have complete information for some things but it helps as a good start if I am not sure about how to use some parts of C Library, stream Library, strings library, STL Containers or STL Algorithms

You can use below code to remove double quotes from string in C++.

    std::remove(stringVariable.begin(), stringVariable.end(), '\"'), 

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