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Mysql select from a table and insert into another

I have a mysql table called jos_users_quizzes with the following columns:


I have a second table called  jos_users with this columns


the user_id on first table is linked with the id of second table so quiz_id = id (jos_users)

How can build a query to multiple insert the ids of a selected department into the jos_users_quizzes table... in one click

I am thinking meabe a sub query or a loop, but no sure how.

Thanks in advance!

INSERT jos_users_quizzes (quiz_id, user_id)
SELECT $quizID, id
FROM jos_users
WHERE department = 'selected department'

With INSERT ... SELECT , you can quickly insert many rows into a table from one or many tables. For example

INSERT INTO jos_users_quizzes (quiz_id)
  SELECT jos_users.id
  FROM jos_users WHERE jos_users.department = 100;

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