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Fast way to convert array to tuple/list in python?

It seems like the time it takes to convert an array to a tuple scales linearly with the the length of the array. Is there a way to do this more efficient? I need to insert arrays with 5e+6 elements into a mysql database, but MySQLdb only seems to accept tuples or lists as input to insertmany.

MySQLdb uses re and string interpolation to join parameterized SQL with arguments before passing the query to the server as a string. Clearly this is not the way to go -- not only are you converting the array to tuples, but also the tuples into strings.

In contrast oursql sends SQL queries to the MySQL server separate from data.

Since you have 5 arrays, using zip (or column_stack ) would require Python (or numpy) to allocate more memory for the combined object (list of tuples or 2D numpy array). To avoid this, use itertools.izip :

import itertools as it
connection = oursql.connect(
    host=config.HOST, user=config.USER, passwd=config.PASS, db='test')
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
    sql='INSERT INTO foo (x,y) VALUES (?,?)'

PS. Previously I suggested using oursql.BinaryIterWrapper . I wasn't able to get that solution to work, however, perhaps because of this bug .

PPS. I tried timing the above oursql code versus similar code using MySQLdb. However, no timing was possible for MySQLdb since it raised

_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1153, "Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes")

on cursor.ecutemany(...) .

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