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accessing oracle databases through java

I'm attempting to create a java program that will allow me access to an oracle database to run sql queries. It shouldn't be too difficult of a program but I can't get an IDE to work correctly.

The sample program the teacher of the class gave us to use starts off with

import java.sql.*;
import oracle.jdbc.*;
import oracle.jdbc.pool.*;
import java.util.*;

and my main issue is that the IDE I use (eclipse Helios) will not recognize the import oracle.jdbc statement. I've spent hours searching for a plugin or anything at all to fix this. I've even installed Netbeans thinking that I would have more luck there. Any suggestions?

您需要下载jar ORACLE JDBC驱动程序并将其导入Eclipse中的项目中:项目->属性-> Java构建路径->库和“添加外部库”

You have the drivers here

what i would recommend is not to use import oracle.jdbc.*; use for start just java.sql

A good link to start using that is here

In rest put the driver in the classpath as @Andrea recommended

On notepad editor (not in eclipse..) this is type 4 connection which is faster than rest of all note: - set ur classpath for oracle search more to know about "tnsnames.ora" file which gonna help u on 4th line of this code.

import java.sql.*;

class A { 
    public static void main(String arr[]) {
        try { 
            Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle.thin:@localhost:1521:XE","System","manager");
            Statement stmt=con.creatStatement();
            ResultSet rset=stmt.executeQuery("Select * from emp");
            while(rset.next()) {
        } catch(Exception e) { }

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