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How to get properties of object which has been created from FoxPro custom class in .Net dll?

This is my FoxPro class:

DEFINE CLASS clscem AS custom

Height = 102
Width = 212
publicproperty = "this is my initial value"
pubprop = ""
Name = "clscem"


and this is my form1.scx code:

objSinif = CREATEOBJECT("SinifDeneme.Class")
donenObjSinif = objSinif.f_Metot(thisform.CLSCEM1)
thisform.command1.Caption = donenObjSinif.M_SitringProp

I am calling .NET dll as COM object from FoxPro. This is my .NET class of DLL:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace ClsLib
    public class Sinif
        public string SitringField;
        public string M_SitringProp { get; set; }
        public Sinif f_Metot(object oj)
            StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Sinif)).Location )+ "\\obje.txt");

            Type myObjectType = oj.GetType();

            //Get public properties
            PropertyInfo[] propertyInfo = myObjectType.GetProperties();
            sw.WriteLine("------------- PROPERTY --------------");
            foreach (PropertyInfo info in propertyInfo)
                sw.WriteLine("GetValue():" + info.GetValue(oj,null));

            FieldInfo[] fieldInfo = myObjectType.GetFields();
            sw.WriteLine("------------- FIELDS --------------");
            foreach (FieldInfo info in fieldInfo)
                sw.WriteLine("Name:" + info.Name);
                sw.WriteLine("AssemblyQualifiedName:" + info.FieldType.AssemblyQualifiedName);
                sw.WriteLine("GetValue():" + info.GetValue(oj));


            return new Sinif()
                       M_SitringProp="SitringProp propertisi",
                       SitringField="Sitring fieldı"


But I couldn't write the properties or fields of FoxPro object. Whereas I can set the property of C# object whicj was returned by f_Metot of DLL. Where is the problem to get object properties which is coming from FoxPro?

I don't know the COM object conversion. Would you please explain?

Thanks in advance....

里克·斯特拉尔(Rick Strahl) 在VFP和.Net之间的互操作方面了三篇文章 -尽管它有些陈旧,但我希望您能在其中一个(也许是第一个)中找到答案。

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