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Regular expression find and replace

I have a really poorly formatted XML file and I am looking to replace the names of some of the tags.

For example...

<column name="id">1</column> 

should become


I have over 7000 entries and don't fancy doing this by hand. I am using Dreamweaver's Find & Replace. Obviously the value "1" in the example is a dynamic value.

Cheers for any help...


<column name="id">(\d+)</column>

Replace with


Make sure you check Use regular expression in the dialog box.

See further on Adobe's site .

搜索: <column name="id">(.*)</column>替换为: <id>\\1</id>

A simple python solution, probably easier using Perl:

import re        # regular expression
import sys       # command line arguments

pat = re.compile(r'<column name=\"id\">(\d*)</column>', re.IGNORECASE)

if __name__=='__main__':
    filename = sys.argv[1]

     for line in open(filename):
         matchObj = pat.search(line)
         if matchObj != None:
             s"<id>" + matchObj.group(1) + "</id>"
             print line

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