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How do I convert a 12-bit integer to a hexadecimal string in C#?

I want to convert a number between 0 and 4096 ( 12-bits ) to its 3 character hexadecimal string representation in C#.


2748 to "ABC"



If you want exactly 3 characters and are sure the number is in range, use:


If you aren't sure if the number is in range, this will give you more than 3 digits. You could do something like:

(i % 0x1000).ToString("X3")

Use a lower case "x3" if you want lower-case letters.

Note: This assumes that you're using a custom, 12-bit representation. If you're just using an int/uint, then Muxa's solution is the best.

Every four bits corresponds to a hexadecimal digit.

Therefore, just match the first four digits to a letter, then >> 4 the input, and repeat.

The easy C solution may be adaptable:

char hexCharacters[17] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
void toHex(char * outputString, long input)
   outputString[0] = hexCharacters[(input >> 8) & 0x0F];
   outputString[1] = hexCharacters[(input >> 4) & 0x0F];
   outputString[2] = hexCharacters[input & 0x0F];

You could also do it in a loop, but this is pretty straightforward, and loop has pretty high overhead for only three conversions.

I expect C# has a library function of some sort for this sort of thing, though. You could even use sprintf in C, and I'm sure C# has an analog to this functionality.


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