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retrieve a `char *` returned from C function exported from .so in Python

I got a liba.so containing a function say_hi() ,

char *say_hi()
    return "hello, world";

In Python, I accessed liba.so via ctypes ,

>>>liba = ctypes.CDLL("./liba.so")

How can I retrieve the string "hello, world" returned by liba.say_hi() in Python?


Besides restype , any other way?

The docs of Python ctypes-modules offers type-casting functions. Eg. c_char_p :

Represents the C char * datatype when it points to a zero-terminated string. For a general character pointer that may also point to binary data, POINTER(c_char) must be used.

So try this:

ctypes.c_char_p( liba.say_hi() )

It builds immutable strings. 它构建不可变的字符串。 For mutable ones look at create_string_buffer There are also some self-descriptive exameples on the page.

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