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Parse such a String into a object structure using Java (GWT)

I am trying to parse an string in GWT to an Object structure. Unfortunately I am not able to do it.

Example string:

"(node1(node2(node3) (node4)) (node5))"
  • "node1" has 2 children: "node2" and "node5"
  • "node2" has 2 children: "node3" and "node4"

Object can be "node", with children. Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.

I can provide you with a pseudo-code. I believe the following algorithm will work but please let me know if you spot anything wrong with it.

Create a root node called nodeRoot.
current_node = nodeRoot
For each char in the string:
    if the char is '('
        add a child node to current_node
        parse the string (after the '(' char) to fetch the name of the node
        current_node = the newly added child node
    else if the char is ')'
        current_node = parent of current_node

To keep track of parents, you can use a stack.

I'm pretty bored so I knocked together some code.

  private static class ObjectTree {
    private Set<ObjectTree> children = new LinkedHashSet();
    private ObjectTree parent = null;
    private String text = null;
    private int level = 0;

    public ObjectTree() {

    public ObjectTree(ObjectTree parent) {
      this(parent, 0);

    public ObjectTree(ObjectTree parent, int level) {
      this.parent = parent;
      this.level = level;

    public void addChild(ObjectTree child) {

    public void parse(String s) {
      int ix = s.indexOf("(");
      if (ix > 0)
        text = s.substring(0, ix);
      else if (ix <= 0)
        text = s;
      int iy = ix + 1;
      int count = 1;
      if (ix == -1)
      while (iy < s.length()) {
        if (s.charAt(iy) == ')')
        else if (s.charAt(iy) == '(')
        if (count == 0) {
          String newString = s.substring(ix + 1, iy);
          ObjectTree newChild = new ObjectTree(this, level + 1);
          ix = s.indexOf('(', iy);
          iy = ix;


    public String toString() {
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      sb.append(StringUtils.repeat("\t.", level)).append(text).append(" :\n");
      for (ObjectTree child : children) {
        sb.append(StringUtils.repeat("\t", level)).append("\t").append(child.toString()).append("\n");
      if (!children.isEmpty())
      return sb.toString();


You call it like so:

ObjectTree root = new ObjectTree();
root.parse("(node1(node2(node3) (node4)) (node5))");

And get:

(node1(node2(node3) (node4)) (node5)) :
    .node1 :
        .   .node2 :
            .   .   .node3 :
            .   .   .node4 :
        .   .node5 :

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