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Have a list of tuples with strings, want to turn into a single string in Python

I have a data structure that looks like [("hello", 12), ("yo", 30)] . How do I combine all of the 0th position of each tuple into a string? The output of the above would be like: "helloyo" . Here is what I've tried:

' '.join[tuple[0] for tuple in tuples]

Nearly there, this will work:

''.join(t[0] for t in tuples)

BTW, don't use tuple as a variable, as it's also a python type.

How about:

d = [("hello", 12), ("yo", 30)]
' '.join( [ t[ 0 ] for t in d ] )

'hello yo'

or if you don't want spaces:

d = [("hello", 12), ("yo", 30)]
''.join( [ t[ 0 ] for t in d ] )


What you've got almost works, except xxx.join joins the arguments with xxx as the separator, and since join is a function, it needs brackets around it.

So if you want 'helloyo' , just do:

''.join([tuple[0] for tuple in tuples])

In fact, for join , you don't even need the list comprehension:

''.join(tuple[0] for tuple in tuples)


join is a method if strings. You're using [] , you want ''.join() .

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