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How to effectively abort the execution of a Bash script from a function

I was using the "exit 1" statement in my Bash functions to terminate the whole script and it worked fine:

function func()
   echo "Goodbye"
   exit 1
echo "Function call will abort"
echo "This will never be printed"

But then I realized that it doesn't do the work when called like:


I understand that I created a subshell and "exit 1" aborts that subshell and not the primary one; is there a way to write a function which aborts the whole execution, no matter how it is called?

I just need to get the real return value (echoed by the function).

What you could do, is register the top level shell for the TERM signal to exit, and then send a TERM to the top level shell:

trap "exit 1" TERM
export TOP_PID=$$

function func()
   echo "Goodbye"
   kill -s TERM $TOP_PID

echo "Function call will abort"
echo $(func)
echo "This will never be printed"

So, your function sends a TERM signal back to the top level shell, which is caught and handled using the provided command, in this case, "exit 1" .

You can use set -e which exits if a command exits with a non-zero status :

set -e 
set +e

Or grab the return value:

(func) || exit $?

I guess better is

set -e
trap "exit 1" ERR

myfunc() {
     echo "Exit with failure"
     set +x # OPTIONAL
     exit 1
echo "BEFORE..."
echo "AFTER..But not shown"

A child process can't force the parent process to close implicitly. You need to use some kind of signaling mechanism. Options might include a special return value, or perhaps sending some signal with kill , something like

function child() {
    local parent_pid="$1"
    local other="$2"
    if [[ $failed ]]; then
        kill -QUIT "$parent_pid"

If you just need top be able to bomb out of your scripts from within a function, you can do:

function die () {
    set -e

then elsewhere, within your functions, instead of using "exit", use "die".

But is there a way to write a function which aborts the whole execution, no matter how it is called?


I just need to get the real return value (echoed by the function).

You can

echo $?

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