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SUBINACL getting access denied

Im trying to get SUBINACL utility to just display information of the MSDTC service.

Im typing subinacl /service mstdc and I get an error 5 access denied

C:\temp>subinacl /service msdtc

msdtc - OpenService Error : 5 Access is denied.
Elapsed Time: 00 00:00:00
Done:        1, Modified        0, Failed        1, Syntax errors        0
Last Done  : msdtc
Last Failed: msdtc - OpenService Error : 5 Access is denied.

If I run the same command for DHCP service it gives me all the security. I am running it under the administrator. Is there somewhere in the registry where I can fix this for the MSDTC ???

I am using Windows 2008 R2 64 Bit.


只需要花几个小时来处理它,如果你有同样的问题,你可以重置ACL访问列表然后添加它 - 只需从管理员帐户的comamnd行(cmd)执行这些行:


  2. subinacl /service msdtc /grant="Network Service"="QSETIL"*

I was experiencing the same issue on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1 when I was following the steps here:


I think these are the steps to resolve the issue:

  1. icacls c:\\windows\\system32\\msdtc\\msdtc.log /grant "networkservice":F

    As indicated here:


  2. subinacl /service msdtc /grant="Network Service"=QSETIL

    As also indicated here:


  3. restart

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