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System.FormatException when trying to convert String to Double

I got this error when I'm trying to convert String into Double on WP7 C#.

tokenvalue = Convert.ToDouble(saParsed[i].Replace(".", ","));

I getting this error in WP7. A first chance exception of type System.FormatException occurred in mscorlib.dll

Is there any way to avoid it or is it only a fault of Emulator?

First you can try to use this:

double tokenvalue = Convert.ToDouble(saParsed[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

Anyway you'd better check if it's ok:

double tokenvalue;
if (Double.TryParse(saParsed[i], out tokenvalue) 
    // Do what you please here

Try something like this.

var tokenvalue = Convert.ToDouble(saParsed[i]);
var tokenValueText = tokenValue.ToString().Replace(".", ",");

Hope it will work fine if saParsed[i] is holding the valid double value.

Try to convert it with the following statement:

double tokenvalue; 
if (double.TryParse(saParsed[i], NumberStyles.Any, 
    NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, out tokenvalue))
    // Convertion was successfull

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