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search for last created text file and importe it to Sql using C#

我有文本文件列表,我需要C#工具来查找最后创建的文件并将其加载到SQL中,我每天第一天在05:15 AM和12:15 AM进行两次工作,并生成两个文本文件(genset_20090103_1212.TXT),我需要获取最后创建的一个并将其数据附加到sql

you can do it using linq

var directory = new DirectoryInfo("C:\\MyDirectory")

var lastcreatedfile = (from c in directory.GetFiles()
             orderby c.CreationTime descending
             select c).First();

 string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("C:\\MyDirectory"+lastcreatedfile.FullName+".txt");

insert the content text to your sql

Please try this code.

FileInfo file1Info = new FileInfo("File1.txt");
        FileInfo file2Info = new FileInfo("File2.txt");
        if (file1Info.LastWriteTime < file2Info.LastWriteTime)
            //Insert File2.txt in your Database

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