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Reading to object from .in file

Hello i'm having a list of 3 int's spaced by 2 white-spaces, and i want to read them and create an object. I will paste my code from data strucutre, class and pre/post data. I cant find the reason for the error. Any help is welcome:


class RAngle{
    int x,y,l,b; 
    int solution,prec;
        x = y = solution = prec = b = l = 0;

    RAngle(int i,int j,int k){
        x = i;
        y = j;
        l = k;
        solution = 0; prec=0; b=0;

    friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const RAngle& ra){
        out << ra.x << " " << ra.y<<" " << ra.l <<endl;
        return out;

    friend istream& operator >>( istream& is, RAngle& ra){
        is >> ra.x;
        is >> ra.y;
        is >> ra.l;

        return is ;



template <class T>
class List
    struct Elem
        T data;
        Elem* next;

    Elem* first;

    void push_back(T data){
    Elem *n = new Elem;
    n->data = data;
    n->next = NULL;
    if (first == NULL)
        first = n;
        return ;
    Elem *current;
    for(current=first;current->next != NULL;current=current->next);
    current->next = n;


void readData(List <RAngle> &l){
    *RAngle r;
    int N;
    ifstream f_in;
    ofstream f_out;


    f_in >> N;
    for(int i=0;i<13;++i){
        f_in >> r;
        cout << r;


input data:

3 1 2
1 1 3
3 1 1

output(at printing when reading):

1 2 1
1 3 3
1 1 3

As you can see somehow it starts reading with 2-nd position and finishes with first.

The line that reads f_in >> N is reading a count into a variable first, but your input file lacks that count. (Or rather, it sees the first '3' as the count, which means that the tuples actually start with '1 2 1 ...').

As you can see somehow it starts reading with 2-nd position and finishes with first.

That's because you extract the first value.

In readData function:

f_in >> N;    //  This line will extract the first value from the stream.

// the loop starts at the second value
for(int i=0;i<13;++i){
f_in >> r;
    cout << r;

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