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Combining directory files in asp.net with custom-built process

I have two directories that contain files. I want to combine all these files into one. I already know about native minification but I don't want to do that because I need something custom-built (it's a single-page app and there are several conditions on which files to include into which output based on the type of users and a few other conditions).

Let's say that in folder MyScripts I have files Script1.js, Script2.js .... Script14.js . I want to use a string builder to open and append these files and then create a consolidated MyFullScript.js file that's saved into the MyScripts folder. I'm not sure where to look for this, what are some ways of doing this?


Why not write a quick function on c# to concatenate everything as so:

DirectoryInfo  info = new DirectoryInfo ("c:\\temp"); //Path to JS files
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

foreach(var item in info.GetFiles("*.js"))

Now sb has all your scripts concatenated; you can save the string to a new .js file if that's what you need.

Hi this may or may not help, came across it when implementing jQuery FileUpload by blu-imp. Anyway provides bundling and minification services as required, seemed quite configurable to me, more so than the native stack anyhow and may provide the granularity you need!


After re-reading your post I think this may well be of help, especially as the source code is available on code-plex so I figure this may provide 80% of the functionality you need whereby you may have to fork it and add a custom 20% to get it to how you need it!

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